Assorted Potentially Usefull Items

General Information  about me, myself and I
Ballet Resumee in ms word format.   last updated 01.01.05
Ballet Resumee   last updated 01.01.05
The shortened, abbreviated form.
Ballet Resumee- Complete   last updated 10.06.05
This is the full one. Every Teacher I ever had, the dates of Every Single time I set foot on stage, and the cities I've toured to.

Newspaper Cuttings. He he: I'm so Vain!


Math-type stuff
4-D FractalMy concept of a "Julibrot"

Truely Assorted
This *Should* be a collection of links, to websites which have a bearing to me, or hold intrest for me. -It's just totally empty at the moment.
My rough notes of how to write this web-page, and what it should look like.

The Main Index